Customer Service

  • Privacy & Security
  • Services
  • Payment, Pricing & Promotions

Privacy & Security
Here at Cork Tile and Wood flooring, keeping you safe and secure when you’re using our services is a high priority. We’ll do everything we can to protect your money, your personal information and your privacy.

Every day is a learning curve for us all at Cork tile & wood flooring,and we are always searching for a way to improve our service to you our customers.To date we have put together the following:
Free delivery to surrounding areas if the order is over €1000.
Unlike other tile companies we employ all our own drivers which will place all of the goods inside your home.
We also offer a complete bathroom service, in which we will call to your house and plan your en-suite or bathroom from start to finish.
We look after all tiling,plumbing,electrical etc...

Payment, Pricing & Promotions
We require a 50% payment up front on the day of order, followed by an additional 25% at the beining of the job, and 25% final payment, when you are happy and satisfied with our work.

Need information on another sublject ? 
Tel: 021 4929399
Facebook: Cork tile and wood flooring